Wednesday, January 26, 2011


At a stop light, a flock of birds: Like one body made of hundreds, they drew a perfect circle in the sky, over and over and over--flying, soaring, dipping downward, up again. Once, they changed direction, made a sharp right, then returned to sketching their imaginary circle. Effortless, breathtaking.


  1. I love watching that. I remember standing on a busy street in Rome with a couple dozen people mesmerized by a flocks of sparrows doing their sky-painting.

  2. "Sky-painting" is a beautiful way to put it. :) Sigrid, I am enjoying your "anablog"! Thanks for being here. xox

  3. A random moment that makes a sharp and beautiful memory.

  4. I'm always so astonished by this too. How do they all know the exact time to turn in unison?

  5. Beautifully described! It is amazing how birds do that, isn't it? I was watching a flock on the seashore only last week. And I love what Sigrid said about 'sky-painting' xx
